It has long been true that one of a historian’s or genealogist’s
most productive sources has been back issues of newspapers. Until very recently
if you wanted to troll through old issues of The Tombstone Epitaph
you either had to go to Tombstone, Arizona in person, or a find a library that
a) had the Epitaph on microfilm, and b) would loan their film through Inter-Library
Loan (ILL). Otherwise out of luck you were.
Free Digitized
Times have changed. Thanks to a partnership between the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities,
hundreds of American newspapers have been digitized and are available free through LOC’s Chronicling America website. In the case of the Tombstone Epitaph,
six different series of the paper, from 1880 to 1922, totaling 2100 issues, are
available online. And if that isn’t enough to sate you, four other Tombstone
papers are available from the LOC.
Unfortunately, the LOC site lists papers from only 30 states
(and four of those only have one title each). Missing from Chronicling America
are such states as Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, Nevada, and Maine.
But wait! Even though 20 states are not digitally
represented on the LOC, there are dozens of other websites where you might find
a veritable trove of the missing. Some places are going it largely along,
although nearly all states have made use of grants from NEH’s U.S. Newspaper Program.
For example:
While this state does not participate in the Chronicling
America program, it has a substantial online newspaper archive of its own that includes 163 titles covering the period 1859 to 1923. This Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection
(CHNC) is funded directly by the state through the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Historical Society. NEH also provided $345,000.
While CHNC is a valuable resource, the site is a bit clunky
and can be difficult to navigate. In Search,
if you want to specify a Date Range you
cannot just type it into the blank boxes. You must click the calendar icons,
which open calendar windows, and select the beginning and end dates by
scrolling through the months and years, and then only when you click on the start
day will it enter the whole megillah. Hits appear on your screen, and simply
double-click to read the one you’re interested in. Happy reading.
Printing articles
from CHNC is a royal pain, and the easiest method is to save the story as a PDF. Once the article opens go to the upper
left and look for View. Click that
and choose View Item In PDF. This will bring up the entire issue, but
opens on the article you want to print.
To print the PDF
find the Adobe menu bar (sometimes hidden toward the bottom—a swipe of the
cursor will highlight it, or sometimes it’s a continuous bar across the top.
Using the + or – icons change the size of the displayed article to suit your
needs. Anything smaller than 66.7% magnification will be hard to read on the
printed page.
Now, click the Maximize button on the upper right, and using
the cursor, change the width and height of the window, and the move the scroll
bar, to encompass only what you want to print. See the PDF printer icon
(top or bottom bars)? Click on that. Do not use your browser’s print
function—it will emphatically not work.
That opens the Print
window. Over there on the left, under the Pages box, you’ll see More Options. Click on that, then click
on Current View. This lets you print
only the what you see on the screen. You may need to fool about with
magnifications and borders to get just what you need. The example here has been
narrowed from three columns to one for better readability.
TIP: Do not make
the PDF window so narrow that the Print
icon disappears from its bar (do that and you cannot access the print
To print the whole piece simply reposition the article and
print again until you have full coverage. I know it’s cumbersome, but it gives
you a lot more precise control over what you print in any PDF. And I’ve found
this to be the best way to print stories from whole newspaper pages, especially
7 or 8 column broadsheets.
Despite its chronic financial woes, this state is well along
with its newspaper digitizing (getting nearly $7 million from NEH was certainly
a boon). Whereas Chronicling America has just 18 California newspapers, the California Digital Newspaper Collection
(CDNC) has 37
titles, including the fabulously useful and interesting Daily Alta California
(1894-1891). All together there are just shy of 60,000 issues online.
The user interface and the navigation is much better than
the “C” state mentioned above. In Search
you can easily type in the subject, click the date range, and click the paper
or papers you want the computer to look through. If too many Advertisement
items pop up to suit you, over on the left you can click on Articles and after a quick rearrangement,
the pages will show just those.
To navigate around the page just hold in the left mouse
button and drag as required.
Printing from the CDNC site is easier than from the CHNC. If
the article you need to print is a short one, right-click on the story and up
comes a little window with some options. Click on Clip This Article, and that brings up a new page with just your
story. You can then print that out through your browser.
TIP: If the story
you want to print using Clip This Article is longer than a few column inches
then revert to the PDF method outlined above. Right-click on the article, but
this time choose PDF of This Page.
Finding Minutia
One of the great things about digital newspapers is the
ability to search accurately for just about anything. If the original paper is
not in good condition, or the scan is poorly made, search results will suffer.
But on the whole, it all works very well indeed.
Using the CDNC I was able to track the movements of Philip Arnold, the main organizer of
the Great Diamond Hoax of 1872.
Knowing that many West Coast papers printed notices about passengers who were
arriving on the Overland Trains from the east or on ships from other West Coast
ports, I entered “philp arnold” AND passengers into the search window.
Translation of
search terms: By putting quotes around “philp arnold” the engine would look for
those two words adjacent to each other. By using the Boolean search operator AND, the engine now knows to look for
“philip arnold” and “passengers” on the same page. Click enter and . . .
Shoot, no results. Let’s modify the search terms. Because
newspaper articles in the late 19th century often used first name initials rather than
spelling names out, I searched again for “p arnold” AND passengers. Wham! Two
TIP: To increase your chances of getting
useful search hits, be sure to try variations of names, places, events, and
things. For example, one of “my” people, John
Burchem Slack, can be found as: “JB Slack,” “J Slack,” “Burcham,” and “Stack.”
In the first article Arnold, and as it turns out, another key
person the Diamond Hoax story, J B Cooper, were traveling together
outbound from San Diego to San Francisco arriving aboard the good ship Orizaba
on the 28th of November 1870. This filled in an important gap in
tracking Arnold’s movements.
The second notice, about passengers who had Ogden left on
the westbound Overland Train in late
April 1871, shows a “P Arnold, San Francisco.” Is this my Mr. Arnold? Maybe,
but additional research is necessary to corroborate that it was.
This technique can be used to track people on trains, ships,
in hotels, and at events.
Where Are More
To search for state newspaper collections the best browser
search term is: [state] digital newspaper
The Google Newspaper Archive is another source. This project, begun in the mid-2000’s, was unfortunately abandoned
in 2011 for reasons that remain unclear (but, they say, didn’t have anything to
do with copyright issues). Google did manage to scan millions of pages from
over 2,000 papers. There are a great many Canadian
and French-Canadian publications in their collection.
Wikipedia has a
page dedicated to digital papers links, including many publications from all around the world, many of them free.
In the next post we’ll get into paid digitized Historic Newspapers—the Feebies; more indispensable
sources for writers and genealogists.
If this post was helpful or interesting to you, please let
me know. I’m always looking for ways to improve the blog.
Disclaimer: The description of web pages are accurate as of
the date of the post. Like everything else in this digital world of ours, they
can change in the blink of an eye.
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